Institute for Governance, Policies & Politics (IGPP) is a think tank initiative of Vivek Manthana Foundation (VMF) which is dedicated for public policy research and analysis. IGPP hopes to play a critical role in governance and policy arena at local and national level. It will operate independently and it is committed to providing public policy research, analysis and advice. It intends to develop initiatives to help government understand various issues and challenges and make informed choices for better policy and governance. As IGPP is envisaged as a research and policy focused institution it will engage with different stakeholders like academic, civil society, government, industry and international development agencies to pursue its objective of high quality interdisciplinary research on different issues of governance and public policy. This multiple engagement is intended to develop the interdisciplinary approach that is the hallmark of our research.
The prime goal of the institute is to contribute towards effective policy design, implementation and governance mechanism with respective to focus areas on specific issues. Presently the institute is focused on two of the following areas.