Evaluation Of Crop Insurance Product In Karnataka


Evaluation of Crop Insurance Product in Karnataka

The Risk Reduction through Rural Insurance Insurance Services Programme (RISP) has tried to build such localised approaches to crop insurance. The programme has been co-operating with the Agriculture Insurance Company of India (AICI) over the last 18 months and has piloted innovative crop insurance products for mango and grape implemented in association with the Karnataka State Department of Agriculture and Horticulture. These initiatives introduced new approaches and methodologies which include risk profiling of farmers to prevent moral hazard and anti-selection (assessment prior to assuming risk) and loss data recording and localised assessment. The program has also made use of innovative technologies such as geo-fencing/tagging for fraud prevention mobile applications for data capture and online systems for farmer information management as part of its implementation strategy.

The report evaluates the experience of the Risk Reduction through Rural Insurance Insurance Services Programme RISP in implementing these pilot projects in Karnataka over the past 18 months.
