Institute for Governance, Policies and Politics (IGPP) along with the active assistance from Social Media Matters (SMM), conceived, designed and executed this study. This study encompasses different aspects related to propensity, pattern, vulnerability and awareness related to internet usage. As we move forward we can see that this study is divided into different subsections based on different but, not completely independent themes.
These are:
- Online safety and security
- Digital well being
- Parental Monitoring
- Fake News
Based on these subsections, this report would address the major response pattern and would attempt to find the pattern behind these responses. The survey was conducted during June and July of 2020. It may be remembered, that this was also the phase when the entire lockdown was under COVID lock-down. Because of this handicap, the entire survey was conducted through a web platform. The survey links were circulated through different social media platforms. A total of 1154 valid responses were found suitable for the data analysis. Now, before discussing the topical subsections, we would look into the general composition of our sample cohort.